Returns and complaints

Exchange or return goods

If your new item doesn't fit you or simply doesn't look as you imagined, you can, of course, return them within 14 days of receiving the goods, according to the law.

Goods can only be returned or exchanged if they are unworn, packed in their original packaging and show no visible signs of use. For faster receipt of returned goods, please fill out the Return or Exchange Document and attach it to the goods. You can return your order either in person at our partner stores in Prague, Brno, Olomouc, Ostrava, Hradec Králové, Pilsen and Zlín, or you can send it to us at the address Vasky trade s.r.o., Vavrečkova 5657, 760 01 Zlín.

In case of exchange of goods, the same conditions as above apply. In both cases, we have 30 days to deal with it. In the attached document, please fill in the goods for which you want to exchange the original order and send everything to the address Vasky trade s.r.o., Vavrečkova 5657, 760 01 Zlín.

The possibility of return and exchange ceases if you have the Boots modified according to your own requirements, made to measure or for boots with initials.

You can find the document for returning or exchanging goods HERE.

You can find the complete wording of the terms and conditions HERE.




If your item have a defect, it is possible to claim them under certain conditions. Complaints are governed by the complaint procedure listed below. If you want to complain about the goods, you can bring them cleaned to us together with a completed complaint protocol to one of our partner stores in Prague, Olomouc, Brno, Ostrava and Zlín, or you can send it by post to the address Vasky trade s.r.o., Vavrečkova 5657, 760 01 Zlín.

After receiving the shoes, we will check them and then evaluate whether a claim has arisen. We will repair repairable defects in the shortest possible time and send the Boots back to your address at our own expense. We will inform you about the outcome of the complaint no later than 30 days after receiving the complaint in the complaint procedure.

The complaint protocol for sending a complaint can be found HERE.